Complimentary 12-Point Assessment


Who We Are

Learn more about the company and the team behind it.

As seen on

Shelley Willingham

CEO + Business Strategist

Hi there and thanks for stopping by Douglas Alexandra!

I’m Shelley, founder of Douglas Alexandra.

So the first question I often get is, “How did you come up with this name?” I’m so glad you asked! Douglas is my son’s middle name and Alexandra is my daughter’s middle name. I couldn’t think of a better way to show my commitment to this labor of love.

I started Douglas Alexandra to support my coaching clients and any other solopreneurs and small business owners who needed help with figuring out and executing the marketing side of their business.

See, I teach people how to do this for themselves in several of my private coaching programs. Some clients love the independence! But others were getting frustrated with having to spend so much time outside their zone of genius. I needed a solution to help them.

So I reached out to my network and put together my talented tribe!

What We Do Very Well

We’ve Got A Special Place In Our Hearts For
Solopreneurs And Small Business Owners

Who We Help

We’ve Got A Special Place In Our Hearts For Solopreneurs And Small Business Owners

Business Strategy

Everything we do is rooted in a sound strategy that supports your overall business objectives

We’re kinda like a management consulting firm disguised as a digital agency. We draw everything back to the bottom line. In our first strategy session we’ll evaluate not only marketing but organizational areas such as management, leadership and culture.

We’ll assess the readiness of your company for a digital campaign and identify areas of opportunity as well as any organizational deficits we can help you fix. We’ll develop a growth plan for your business and position it to scale.

Brand Activation

We want your brand to live its life! Are you stifling your personality?

Simply, successful brand activation creates a favorable and memorable experience for your customers-either online or in person. The ‘activation’ of your brand should be a central focus of all your marketing initiatives.

Brand activation brings together business strategy, marketing, sales, events and digital activities that help bring brands to life.

Have you successfully activated your brand? Let us help you uncover any deficits in your current brand strategy and identify opportunities for growth.

Social Media Management

It’s ok to be a Social Climber!

We’ll take a look at your current social media footprint to establish a baseline from which to build our strategy moving forward.

Just starting out and don’t have a social media presence? We’ll look at your target audience and offer and determine the best networks for you to engage and build your presence.

This exercise will help to determine how effectively you’re currently using digital and social media, the types of return you are getting for your effort, which profiles may not be effective for your business and which ones aren’t providing much value.

Brand Ambassador. Content Manager. Evangelist. Whatever you call it most small businesses don’t have the resources or manpower to manage the social media presence on a regular basis. Our team can manage this process for you.

Curating, Crafting, Posting, Scheduling, Measuring, Analyzing, Responding, Listening, Engaging, Training, Helping, Planning…..yep, we do that.

Digital Marketing

Everything we do is rooted in a sound strategy that supports your overall business objectives

We’re kinda like a management consulting firm disguised as a digital agency. We draw everything back to the bottom line. In our first strategy session we’ll evaluate not only marketing but organizational areas such as management, leadership and culture.

We’ll assess the readiness of your company for a digital campaign and identify areas of opportunity as well as any organizational deficits we can help you fix. We’ll develop a growth plan for your business and position it to scale.

Core Values

We promise to always treat our clients, contractors, employees, strategic partners, vendors and other stakeholders with respect and professionalism.
We deliver excellence and unparalleled expertise to our clients.
We work to exceed client expectations with every opportunity we get.
We require clear communication be the cornerstone of our interactions internally and externally.
We harness innovation and passion to fuel our growth.
We embrace diversity and demand inclusion in all that we do.
We celebrate work-life balance and incorporate fun every day.
We commit to supporting our community and being great neighbors….online and offline.

Let's Get Started

Ready To Make
a Real Change?